It does not matter what anyone else says…
The expression of body, heart, soul, spirit is untamed when mind looses its controlling grip.
Mind is beautiful as expression of intelligence. We invite its expression as an valuable component of our humanness.
Expressions can be practical, visionary, imaginative, analytical, weaving solutions, translators of insights, link to share experiences, sensuous, emotional, artistic, intuitive, connecting with divine source, insightful, silly, absurd, loving, wise…
Lets keep living in curiosity, daring, changes, prayers, tenderness, rekindling ancient wisdom, everything can be as it is…
The rainbow lives inside us… It does not matter what you choose to “do”, when there is space for life to move through, all expressions are pure.
Starring at the wind blowing, making masks with a paper and colors, simply appreciating the colors around you, being amazed by all the flowers growing in the garden, recognizing beauty everywhere…
- Sisterhood -
Holding hands without aim, just feeling warmth transmitted through hearts and bodies,
the power of a circle, there is no woman, no man, but humans as one…
Here we are, remembering the way of togetherness…
Unlocking dreams, opening our wings, rooting what is possible beyond comparison,
jealousy, competition, betrayal, feet on the ground…
Seeding what we are ready to create as a mantel of love, care, awareness, freedom…